
难度 :容易
步骤 :最多3个
所需时间 :5分钟
Apple的iTunes让iOS用户可以创建iPhone,iPad和iPod的备份。多年来,这些备份有多种格式,并受到许多不同加密方案的保护。 Apple的备份系统可以很好地安全地复制用户数据,以便用户以后可以重置并完全恢复到他们的设备。
能够检查,存档和修改iPhone备份非常重要,Reincubate iPhone Backup Extractor可以满足所有这些需求。它可以重置屏幕时间密码,恢复在备份之前删除的内容,甚至可以将iCloud备份转换为iTunes备份。
可以从iTunes备份中获取以下所有数据 - 以及更多内容:










我们建议您查看常见问题,因为我们会在那里提供大量信息。我们之前可能已经听过你的问题。在此页面的顶部和底部,您将看到有关联系我们的信息。我们的支持团队 - 实际上是整个团队 - 查看并回复用户问题。我们乐于助人,所以不要成为陌生人。
如果您没有iTunes备份 - 或者不知道您是否有备份 - 本指南将帮助您查找或创建一个 。
下载并安装iPhone Backup Extractor ,然后打开它。它可以在PC和Mac上运行。
iPhone备份提取器中显示的iTunes备份 备份加载后,您将看到有关iTunes备份的信息,以及一些用于查看和编辑其不同部分的选项卡。
iPhone Backup Extractor的概述屏幕 选择“预览”选项卡,您将能够看到备份中可用的大多数主要数据类型。
概述模式 :易于使用的iPhone数据摘要,单击导出为PDF,HTML和CSV
概述模式下的iPhone备份提取器 预览模式 :用于预览核心iPhone数据,如消息,联系人和呼叫
iPhone Backup Extractor以“预览模式”显示照片 应用程序视图模式 :用于从iTunes备份中提取第三方应用程序数据
应用程序查看模式下的iPhone Backup Extractor
专家模式 :浏览整个备份的文件,并导出,编辑或替换它们
第二种技术真的很酷,它可以让iPhone Backup Extractor恢复在进行备份之前删除的数据。
iOS设备不会定期从数据库文件中清除已删除的数据,因此通常可以恢复已删除的数据,即使在备份之前也是如此。这对于iMessage,SMS,WhatsApp,笔记和联系人数据尤其有用。 (通过在专家模式下从备份中提取SQLite数据库,并在记事本中打开它们,您应该看到已删除的任何数据的片段。)
重新孵化iPhone Backup Extractor集成了该技术的高级版本,从而节省了任何取证恢复过程的需要。我们的实现要优于我们以此为基准的所有专用SQLite恢复工具。
除此之外,我们还在应用程序中使用了其他技术,并且我们的支持团队可以提供帮助。其中一项涉及检查iCloud备份快照,这对于恢复iOS数据非常有用,iPhone Backup Extractor可以为您获取这些快照。
如果您想了解有关iPhone Backup Extractor取消删除功能的效果的一些数据,请查看我们针对领先的取证工具的基准测试 。提示:我们捶打他们。
您可以通过两个简单的步骤使用iPhone Backup Extractor恢复已删除的数据:
Show deleted data
→“Show deleted data
选项。继续正常进行 。删除的数据将包含在所有导出和预览中。
将iTunes备份恢复到iPhone或iPad很容易。 (如果您想使用iTunes恢复iCloud备份 ,我们的指南介绍了如何下载iCloud备份并将其转换为iTunes 。)
→Restore from backup
iTunes中的Restore from backup
'菜单。如果您有多个备份,请从下拉菜单中选择要检索的备份,然后单击“还原”。您还可以单击设备图标,这将打开一个摘要窗口,您可以在其中单击“还原备份”。恢复iTunes备份 等到数据传输到您的设备。小心不要过早拔下USB电缆,因为它会中断过程并可能损坏设备上的数据。
The default iTunes backup location depends on whether you're using a PC or Mac. iTunes backups can be found in the following directories:
On Windows 10 and recent versions of Windows, backups are stored in:
\Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\
On Macs, backups are stored in:
\Users\(username)\Library\Application Support\MobileSync\Backup\
There are a few special cases. For instance, the Windows Store version of iTunes uses a different location, and so does iTunes on Windows XP. We maintain the latest default iTunes backup locations here, and have instructions on how to change the default iTunes backup folder.
When I look in my iTunes backup folder I just see random files, which is which? What are those files in my iTunes backup folder?
iTunes backup folders contain files named according to hex-encoded SHA-1
hashes. Their filenames can differ based on the type of data and the version of iOS that created the backup.
We maintain an up-to-the-minute summary of these iTunes backup files here but have included a short summary below for recent versions of iOS:
Contents | Real filename | Backup filename |
SMS | sms.db |
3d0d7e5fb2ce288813306e4d4636395e047a3d28 |
Contacts | AddressBook.sqlitedb |
31bb7ba8914766d4ba40d6dfb6113c8b614be442 |
Calendar | Calendar.sqlitedb |
2041457d5fe04d39d0ab481178355df6781e6858 |
Notes | NoteStore.sqlite |
4f98687d8ab0d6d1a371110e6b7300f6e465bef2 |
Call history | call_history.db |
2b2b0084a1bc3a5ac8c27afdf14afb42c61a19ca |
If iTunes won't restore your iPhone backup, it probably means its corrupt.
We publish a list of steps for diagnosing problems restoring iTunes backups. If that doesn't resolve the problem, see the next question.
My iPhone won't turn on and all my data is lost, how can I recover iOS data?
If you have an iTunes backup or use iCloud, you'll be able to get data back using either this guide or our guide for iCloud. Worst case, email us and we'll help you.
One of the most common causes for iPhone data loss is a failed iOS update. The steps in the first part of this guide will take you through pulling files from your iTunes backup.
Depending on where the process went wrong, you may need to restore your phone from a backup before starting the update process again. Good luck -- and don't forget to reach out to our support team if you get stuck.
We once had a user write in after his backup had taken more than 36 hours. That's crazy -- and it led us to publish an article on how to speed up a slow iTunes backup.
Absolutely, yes! You'll see we tend to write about iPhone backups, but the format and functionality is exactly the same for iPad and iPod Touch backups. Anything we describe for iPhone backups will also work for iTunes backups created for the iPad or iPod Touch.
Can I find my phone number, IMEI or serial in an iTunes backup?
You certainly can. These are all shown under the "Info" tab of iPhone Backup Extractor. You can see IMEI, serial, and a range of other fields. You can read about all of that data in our explainer of the "Info" view.
Is it possible to extract data from a very old iOS backup, like iOS 3?
Yes. We painstakingly support backups from every version of iOS. We started back in 2008, after our founder lost his data with an upgrade to iOS 2. Phew! If you get stuck on an older version, get in touch with us.
iPhone Backup Extractor lets you edit any iTunes backup: by using "Expert mode" as detailed above, you can edit or replace any file in your backup, or add new ones.
Can I copy a Windows iTunes backup to a Mac, or vice versa? Are iTunes backups portable?
Yes, iTunes backups are created in the same format by Macs and Windows, and can be moved from one to another. You can even put them in Dropbox or on a shared drive.
How effective is iPhone data recovery with iPhone Backup Extractor?
Very. We benchmarked our recovery of deleted data against the leading forensics tools, and the results are impressive.
iPhone Backup Extractor has a free iTunes backup browser built-in. Once you load it (see step #1 above) it'll automatically show all of your iTunes backups and let you browse them.
Yes. We've got a comprehensive guide on how to repair corrupt backups and recover your data. If you're still stuck, reach out to our support team as we can probably help further. 🚑 There's a lot of fiddly stuff we can help you with.
Can I restore a backup from one iOS version to another? Can you convert iTunes backup versions?
It depends. You can't restore a backup from a newer version of iOS than a device is running. You can usually restore an older version, but it depends what has changed between versions. In some cases Apple make substantial changes between revisions to iOS, meaning that there's a big difference between iOS 11.3 and 11.4, for instance. If you try that, it'll appear to work, and you'll get most of your data.
We've got a detailed guide on techniques for restoring data like this to your iPhone.
Yes, you can get iTunes to back up over Wi-Fi. We've got instructions on how to do this here.
Do you ever wonder what iTunes backs up from your iPhone when you connect your phone to your computer? It would be nice to know whether it is safely backing up your important contacts, notes, photos, calendar, texts, and so on, wouldn't it?
We've got a concise summary of just what is and isn't in an iTunes backup that we maintain in our knowledge-base. Check it out!
由 Peter
Can i recover a file from a previous backup with this program? Thanks for the answer.
回复: Reincubate Support
Hi Peter, you sure can. Drop us a note on live chat if you need help.
由 Henry Chen
I have similar situation with this one, I backed up my old phone yesterday to itunes not knowing it was encrypted and when I went to restore my new phone to that backup I was unable to because I do not have the encryption password. Talk to APPLE support, not much help, please help.
回复: Reincubate Support
Hi Henry, check our our guide to recovering a lost iPhone backup password. Good luck!
由 Rainer (Austria)
Great software, saved me lots of trouble when iTunes backup didn't work (kept receiving message "connection to iPhone was lost" and spent several hours trying to fix it on my own). Then downloaded Backup Extractor and was able to recover all data I already considered lost in a breeze. Made my day. 5 Stars and a cordial "thank you!" to the developers.
由 John St John
How can i recover just one app that has data? I went thru iOS 9.0.1 > 9.0.2 hell with my 5S and had to reload the whole thing as the 9.0.2 backup would not load.
回复: Reincubate Support
Hi John, thanks for commenting. That's pretty straightforward: export the files from your device's backup to your PC or Mac. Take a newer backup of your current device, then use iPhone Backup Extractor to patch those exported files into the newer backup. Restore it, and you'll see the files are there. 👍
由 Lynne Matera
Can I recover old voicemails from my iPhone 4 to iPhone 6 I already turned in 4. My father passed away and I forgot to get them off old phone.
回复: Reincubate Support
Hi Lynn: do you have a backup from the iPhone 4?
由 Tammy
I need help I can't seem to remember my restrictions passcode. Please help me.
回复: Reincubate Support
Hey Tammy -- check out our guide for restrictions passcode recovery here.
由 Gazpie
When I use the backup extractor the status of the backup says incomplete an encrypted. I can't extract the photos from the backup. Is there a way to recover the photos?
回复: Reincubate Support
Oh no! That sounds like a corrupt backup. Check this out.
由 Mark Hiles, Sr.
How do I recover the 20K in lost data to the iOS 7.1 update? Apple admits nothing, and I am out all of my app data. The only thing that restores are the contacts and other data of the sort. No app data restores at all. How do I get my data back or sue Apple for this?
回复: Reincubate Support
Hi Mark, thanks for commenting. We're sorry to read about that. We've got a guide on recovery of data from iTunes backups here. Hopefully that's helpful -- if not, drop us a note.
由 Mr Marcus
Heello do u guys know how i can kill the code on my iphone 5s? i mean i can remember the code. please help
回复: Reincubate Support
The restrictions passcode? If so, yes. See here.
由 Old Suit
I have an old iPhone 4 and no desire to upgrade. iOS 7 added .2GB of bloat to my phone and no added functionality. I hate that Apple forcefeeds apps down your throat whether you want them or not. I'd much rather have the extra space for music or apps of my own choosing. But, alas, it seems as if the era of customization is over and the era of the herd mentality has come full storm!
由 ron
please help.I want make a update for my backup Extractor. i have Version 3.4.2 please help
回复: Reincubate Support
@Ron; you can get the latest version here.
由 Bridget75
I am trying to extract the restrictions passcode I set on my son's Ipod under the restrictions....I read a blog that said to extract the file from: Library, Preferences,
However I found no 4 digits in there....which file is this code in? Would appreciate any help!! Thanks!!回复: Reincubate Support
Hey Bridget, thanks for asking. We have a guide on how to do this. That should sort you out. 🙂 Reach out if not.
由 adam
The phone records I need are further back than one hundred in my back up. How do I get them.
回复: Reincubate Support
Adam, please reach out to us directly through the support page and we'll help!
由 Simon McAllister
Yes, yes, yes! All very good having iOS 6 but..... will it have the basic privacy features that are missing? e.g. Blocking incoming calls & or SMS messages from numbers that I choose... Oh and conditional call forwarding - I might want a certain caller to be answered by my voicemail every time they call.
Because Apple 'decide' how I should use my phone, it's not appreciated that these features are not present already. Also, it's frustrating enough for users not to have a method in place to ASK for this functionality! And before anyone comments; No, there aren't any app's that block calls and SMS!! ;D
由 Ean Myers
The free backup extracter will only pull 2 of the same photos out repeatedly when it says it detects 476. HELP? please
回复: Reincubate Support
Hi Ean: if you're on the free edition, do the extraction from preview mode or expert mode. That'll let you select a different couple each time. 🙂
由 Peter
Hi guys, I use Numbers on my iPad. Been working great for sometime. Went into numbers just now and ALL my spreadsheets are gone? I would imagine that iCloud has managed to loose them for me? Please assist and let me know if it is possible to get them back.
I have. MacBook Pro, iPhone4 and iPad2 all running the latest updated software.
回复: Reincubate Support
Oh no, that doesn't sound good! There are a few approaches to use here. If you log in to iCloud.com and hit "Account settings", you'll see there's a "Restore files" option. That should let you restore any recently-deleted iCloud files.
由 Brittany
I just wanted to say thank you so much. I just downloaded your software on my old computer to recover precious lost voice messages from my old iPhone that were left for me by my grandmother who passed away. You have no idea how much this means to me! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
回复: Reincubate Support
Thank you for sharing this. It means a lot to us. ❤️
由 Jim
I have tried extracting backups from an iPhone 4 with iOS5 and the Contacts, Calendar and SMS messages are not showing up. Anyone else having this issue.
回复: Reincubate Support
Hi Jim, I don't think so. Drop us a note at [email protected] and we'll get things sorted out for you.
由 Andy
Hmm. I've been using my iPhone 4 on iOS 5 Beta 4 (also the corresponding iTunes beta) and whilst your software does still backup, I consistently get 0 SMS in the backup file. Any ideas?
回复: Reincubate Support
Hey Dave, we've just shipped an update for the message changes in the iOS 5 betas. Please download the latest version and take that for a spin.